Work Less. Accomplish More.
Stop wasting your valuable time importing lists, exporting lists, importing previously verified links lists, etc. Just say no to importing. Work smarter, not harder.
Quick Setup & User Friendly
Nothing to install. No complicated setups. Just use our API (provided when you sign up) to create custom search engines in GSA SER that pull in our live link list feeds. Set it up once and save time forever!
More Contextuals. Better Results.
Our constant feed of freshly verified links will keep your SEO projects humming along, resulting in easier ranks & quicker results than you’ve seen before.
Plans and Pricing
GrindLists is more expensive than any other GSA Search Engine Ranker link list provider. There’s a good reason for this. The age old adage you get what you pay for has never rung more true. While other link list providers sell their lists to 50 or 100 people, at GrindLists your daily verified feed is shared with a maximum of 3-8 people daily and your identified feed is always 100% unique.
Additionally, independent tests from customers who subscribe to other services repeatedly tell us that GrindLists outperforms the competition every time, across any benchmark. More contextuals. Better indexing. Less link loss. No lists full of URL shorteners or web2.0s or anything hard coded into GSA that has no business being delivered as a paid product.
Try us today, you won’t be disappointed. With plans starting as low as just over $2/day, we’ve made GrindLists affordable to even the most basic SEO budgets. Higher price plans get access to a private SEO skype chat that has been pushing the boundaries on automated SEO tactics and methods for almost two years now.
GrindLists 2000
Most Affordable- 2000 Freshly Verified GSA SER Links Every 24 Hours
- 15,000 Freshly Identified GSA SER Links Every 24 Hours
- Quick One Time Set Up Then Hands Free Integration
- Less than $2.25/day
GrindLists 5000
Best Value- 5000 Freshly Verified GSA SER Links Every 24 Hours
- 75,000 Freshly Identified GSA SER Links Every 24 Hours
- Quick One Time Set Up Then Hands Free Integration
- Access To Private Skype Mastermind Group
- Less than $5/day
Requires Existing Subscription- Multi-Purpose Upgrade Path
- Allows Easy Switching Between Plans For Service Providers Or Variable SEO Client Workloads
- Add To GrindLists 2000 And It Becomes Grindlists 5000
- Doubles GrindLists 5000 Plan To 10,000 Verified And 150,00 Identified Daily
- Access To Private Skype Mastermind Group
- Doesn’t Apply To Authority Feeds
Requires Existing Subscription- Must Have An Existing GrindLists Sub – Only Current Subscribers Are Allowed Access
- Filtered For Multiple Metrics – Including Domain Authority, Low OBL And Two Other Private Filters We’ve Developed.
- Extremely Limited Access – Only 25 Feeds Available. Payment Link Shows As ‘Sold Out’ When Gone.
- Less Than $3/Day To Get 2000 Filtered Links Piped Into Your GSA Projects Daily. Plug And Play Your Way To Authority Links.
How It Works
We scrape for GSA SER link targets 24-7. Our servers never quit running.
All scraped targets feed into a custom Identification bot that works at hyperspeed compared to identifying with the built in GSA identification tool. These custom bots + superior scraping technology are what allows us to deliver so many links every day.
Identified targets get fed to our internal GSA SER verifying servers, running stock engine platforms and only GSA Captcha Breaker software for captchas.
Verified links get uploaded to your user feed which then supplies your GSA installs (on up to 2 IP per subscription) with a fresh supply of links from then on.
We also give you direct access to your own portion of the Identified feeds, so you can run them with whatever settings/recaptcha/etc you desire, giving you the ability to customize your linkbuilding experience.
Simple and easy. What are you going to do with all your extra time?
What You Need
There are a few things you need to take advantage of our service. Most of them are common sense but we’ll list them here anyway.
- GSA SER license
- GSA Captcha Breaker license (or alternative)
- Fast internet connection (usually on a VPS or Dedi)
- Fast proxies (Private recommended, public will work)
- Enough familiarity with GSA SER to follow our guides
That’s it.
Just subscribe today and start building links easier than ever in just a few minutes.
Happy Customers Are Repeat Customers
We can tell you how great we are until your ears bleed but instead, let’s hear it from some customers.
“Watched the very short video instruction. Set it up in literally a minute. Loaded projects and been adding contextuals links daily ever since. So so easy…”
Daniyal“That Grindstone, he is a pesky fellow. Keeps our engineers busy at least.”
rnatt cutts“I’ve been trying out the GrindLists GSA feed for the past year and it is an awesome service, not that you’d expect anything less from it’s developers.”
efeezy“Me gustan los huevos verdes y spam”
Negra Sombrero“Easy to set up the Grindlist search engine. Been running 3 projects for 2 days and getting about 15k links a day on each campaign. If you’re scraping your own links, stop the frustration and use this easy system and stop
babysitting your GSA.”
“I built this system because I hate wasting time and I like getting results. You should try it. I might be biased.”
Frequently Asked Questions
Below are some of the most commonly asked questions we’ve received. Please read through them carefully if you have any questions.
Can I have access to the guide without subscribing?
Here’s the setup guide: The GSA SER optimization guide is in video form and only available to subscribers.
How many computers can I run this on?
Each subscription is good for two IPs. So you can set up two different GSA installs and run both verified and identified feeds on both. No limits on anything else with regards to hitting our API except two IP. As many projects, tiers, etc as your heard desires.
Can You Set Up My GrindLists Feeds For Me?
Unfortunately, no. There’s only 24 hours in every day. We have a great easy to follow guide for setup. Takes less than 2 minutes to set up correctly. Maybe 5 if you go step by step through every image in the guide doublechecking yourself before you wreck yourself. If that’s not enough, this probably isn’t the service for you.
Can You Troubleshoot My GSA For Me?
Again, no. Not enough time in the day to give one on one GSA performance troubleshooting. Subscribers do have access to our excellent optimization guide. This plus a little searching on the GSA SER forums should be more than enough for most people to be fine. Subscribers to the GrindLists 5000 plan and larger have access to skype chat where troubleshooting of GSA SER seems to be a daily occurrence. #sventhings
Am I Guaranteed To Get 2000 or 5000 Verified Links Every Day?
Yes and no. We guarantee to UPLOAD 2000 or 5000 freshly verified links to your feed, which then will be called from your GSA SER software. At that point, the results you’ll get are dependant on multiple factors, not limited to: your settings, platforms you chose, your internet connection, your proxy health, your emails, any filters you have in place, your knowledge and general ability regarding GSA SER. None of which we have any control over. Advanced users running both our Verified and Identified feeds have reported the ability to produce 30,000+ verified links/day on a single project. Your results will most likely vary from this.
Are My Links Every Day Unique From My Links Every Other Day?
Some will be. Some won’t be. We only actually cache links for 24 hours before they drop out of our system and your feeds. We don’t spend time or resources analyzing links against other links, only if they’ll either Identify or Verify. At the scale we’re operating at, it’d be impossible to make and maintain master lists daily.
It’s important that you 1) Save your verifieds to a global folder so you can access you all the links that have come through your feed and resulted in a successful link and 2) Run the Identified feed. It’s been verifying at close to 36% on internal tests for the better part of two months now. That’s a lot of links you want want to miss
Am I Getting Duplicate URLs In My Daily Feeds?
Shouldn’t ever happen. We dedupe by URL at the indentification stage before sending them to our internal verifying servers. Verifying servers range from 1 post per domain (shooting for contextuals) to up to 15 posts per domain (comments/trackbacks/image comments/etc). These verified links are then randomized before going out into user feeds. So you might from time to time see URLs from the same domain, you should never see URLs from the same domain on a daily basis.
Is there a limit on the calls to the feed?
Also asked as “Is there max number of projects I can run simultaneously using the feeds?”
No and no. Your feed will have whatever amount of links your subscription package supports uploaded to it daily. At that point, you can do whatever you want with it. Run 1,5,10,500, etc projects. Run projects with different filters and parameters. Run tiers. Run tiers to your tiers. Get wild.
Does Everyone Get The Same Links Every Day?
No. As links come out of our verifying servers, they get uploaded to our webserver. Our webserver detects who has space in their feed and pushes fresh links to them. If your feed is full (ie, 2000 or 5000 verifieds already uploaded in the past 24 hours), you won’t receive any fresh links until your links start to drop off from age (ie, have been in your feed for 24 hours). This sysem ensures that our subscribers are not all hitting the same links all day long.
This is good for link quality as well as the sites in our lists health. Why do you think some link list vendors recommend a 180 second timeout? Might be that 100 people hitting the same exact link list at the same time each running 15+ projects with a 100+ threads produces a server load that cripples most hosts. BTW, with our feeds and optimized settings, we recommend 20 seconds HTML timeout. BIG difference!
How Many Subscriptions Are You Going To Sell?
Is This Limited To 50 People Like Most Lists Claim?
We’ll sell as many as we can while keeping the quality high. Our internal goal is for no more than 10 subscribers to ever see the same verified link in any one day. Most days, that ratio is between 3:1 and 8:1. As it approaches 10:1 and we can’t scale up any further, we’ll close the service to new subscribers until someone drops out (hasn’t happened yet but you can hope!).
Additionally, our Identified feed has been producing ~36% verification rate on our internal testing for weeks on end. When you combine the fact that each identified list is completely different, we feel comfortable in asserting that no other service comes close to providing the diversity that GrindLists does.
Do You Cache Links? Can I Get Yesterdays Link List?
No and no. We only cache links in your feed until they’ve been there 24 hours. At that point, they drop out and are replaced with fresh links. We don’t keep them. You probably should (you are saving your verifieds, right?).
Your best bet to get every possible link is keep a project running full time that pulls from both feeds and save your verified links to a global linklist you can easily send to other projects.
Are All The Links Contextual Links?
No. No service alive exists that can supply 5000 fresh contextual targets daily. Our experience suggests that’s there’s only 30-40k domains at any given time that GSA can hit where you can place a contextual link. We’ll try to find them all for you. No guarantee this is human (or technically) possible.
Best practice (again) is to save your verifieds to global files, then run contextual only projects calling those, use the GrindLists feed only projects to tier your contextual links. Enjoy.
Are All The Links Do Follow?
No. How natural would that be? No follow links might not pass Page Rank but they’ll definitely help you rank, if used correctly. See the optimization guide for more info.
Do You Have Any Discounts?
Not at this time. We’re actually approaching capacity and considering another price bump. Our users tell us we’re hands down the most productive GSA SER list service they’ve ever used. We aim to keep it that way by not overselling the service and watering down results for existing subscribers.